Tuesday, 8 October 2013

CMTO is hiking up MCQ Exam Fees

For those who did not know CMTO will be hiking up the exam fee for the MCQ exam from 225 to 500 dollars.

This is as usual CMTO's way of exploiting poor massage therapist students and registered massage therapists to be.

CMTO is a bully and will pick on people weaker than itself.

CMTO is one of the most unethical and mismanaged organizations. All they care about is making money and keeping the insurance companies happy. They do not care about the public or massage therapist.

Now the CMTO's excuse for hiking the price was costs.

The problem is that the CMTO is run by morons who do not know anything about running a organization well. ***see previous blog post about CMTO moron

The CMTO are not able to manage costs well and for their screw up- RMTs or rather in this case RMTs to be-have to pay.

Why do others have to pay for CMTO's incompetence. If they are not able to manage costs they need to stop hiring morons and hire someone decent.

CMTO is the College of Massage Therapist of Ontario and is one of the most unethical and mismanaged organizations.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

ROI for Massage Therapy Students

This is a very interesting question. Lot of people want to know what is the return on investment for Massage therapy students.

The schools dont tell you and the CMTO wont tell you.

So we had some business experts crunch some numbers.

While everyone's situation is different we wanted to know the average ROI for students who study the Massage Therapy program in Toronto.

While calculating the ROI we took certain facts and used them in our calculation. For some people these facts might be different though these were the facts we took into consideration when calculating the ROI for Massage Therapy Students.

1)The School cost was around 20K.

2)The Average massage Therapist practices for only 5 years.

3)It takes about 18 months of studying without taking any breaks for summer at most schools and the program is roughly equivalent to an associate degree in terms of time required.

4)You are not working while you are studying.

5) the average massage therapist makes 36K a year

6) we also took into consideration that for those 18 months you would lose about 35K in income because you were studying. This is a relatively conservative measure of income most people might lose even more though we took a conservative measure here.

Some schools are cheaper and some programs are shorter though this is a rough approximate.

Guess what our business experts found.

The average return on investment for a massage therapy student is negative. Yes negative.

You are better off working in your current job and investing in mutual funds or bonds. From a financial point of view you are better off investing in pretty much most things than investing in an education in massage therapy.

Of course everyone situation is different though this gives you a rough idea what kind of ROI to expect from massage therapy.

CMTO lies to students, RMTs and the public

The CMTO is known to lie to people and to misguide people. The College of Massage Therapist of Ontario is known for its unethical practices.

I have been approached by numerous students as well as fellow RMTs who were lied to or misguided by the CMTO.

The CMTO does not care about its members or the public. All it cares about is making money and keeping the insurance companies happy.

A word of advise for people. When communicating with the CMTO keep records of all communication. This means either communicate with them via email or in writing. If you talk to them on the phone there is no proof of them lying to you.

You wont believe how many people have been told something in one telephone conversation with the CMTO and later told something else.

Lot of RMTs, students as well as others have maintained written records of the communication with the CMTO and you can clearly see how the CMTO has been lying to them or has been misguiding them.

CMTO hires morons

By now you might be familiar with how unethical and badly run the CMTO is. To give you further proof that there are Morons within this organization please look at the link below.


Scroll to page 57. One of the RMTs on the cousil is a moron. How do I know this. Well because she used to teach at one of the schools in the GTA. She is completely clueless.

How bad is she. Well she cant even tell the difference between Vastus Lateralis (part of the quadriceps group) and the Hamstrings.

Pretty much everyone knew how clueless she was though her placing her hand firmly on the hamstring group and repeatedly mentioning that it was the vastus lateralis is very memorable.

I haven't mentioned her name to save her the embarrassment though this is the kind of people the CMTO hires.


Thursday, 8 August 2013

What kind of Percentage Split are Massage Therapist Getting?

Lot of massage therapist work as independent contractors and are self employed. One of the most popular payment systems between clinics and Therapist is a split system.

This means massage therapists get a cut of how much the customer pays.

So what is the cut.

Well many years ago before the CMTO flooded the market with massage therapists the cut usually was around 60 to 70 percent.

This meant massage therapist got 60 to 70 percent of what the patient paid.

What is the story today. Well the CMTO has flooded the market. Today the split on average is much lower. It can go as low as 35 percent. Yes as low as 35 percent.

Usually it is now around 40 to 50 percent  currently. Some places do still go up to 60 percent though it is not as common as before.

Massage Therapist are getting a lower percentage split now than they did before. All thanks to the CMTO.

CMTO or the College of Massage therapist of Ontario is one of the worst run organizations and is focused totally on making money and keeping the insurance companies happy. They don't care if they screw therapists and the public in the process.

The CMTO does not care about the public or the therapist.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

How many hours does an average massage therapist work in a week?

Massage therapist on average work 15 to 20 hours a  week doing massage.

Usually massage therapist are self employed and work as a independent contractor with a clinic or center.

Do Schools mislead Potential Massage Therapy Students?

Guess what if you ever remember going to different schools to find out about the profession you probably know how the schools try to mislead students about massage therapy.

The goal of these schools is to get you to join since it is all about money. There have been numerous investigations where schools were caught over inflating how much massage therapists make or misleading students.

Students are misguided into joining programs based on lies by these schools.

Sometimes the schools are very tricky they wont directly lie though they will mislead and withhold some vital information from the students.

I have had students from various schools come ask me about the massage therapy and they were very surprised by the facts that they did not know about.

The schools are tricking students and what is the CMTO doing about it.

Kikawa, CCMH, Suderland Chan..........and many more.

They all mislead their students to a certain degree to get them to join the program.

Maybe there might be one or two schools which might be totally honest though most of them are misleading.

Why did the CMTO reduce the number of stations on the OSCE exam.

The CMTO has been making it easier for people to get the RMT licence the last couple of year.

Why you may ask.

Simple the answer is money.

The number of RMTs were going down a while back and this meant that less yearly membership fees for the CMTO to collect.

What was CMTO's solution. Make the exams easier to get the number of RMTs up again.

Dont worry though most people and schools know that the CMTO is starting to work on making the exams harder again since now it has flooded the market with RMTs and there is a surplus.

If there is a surplus and there are too many RMTs then lot of people will start to leave the profession which will, you guessed it, will lead to less membership fees for the CMTO to collect.

All about money with CMTO they dont care about the public or the therapists.

CMTO is Racist

The CMTO has shown a racist attitude towards Chinese people.

Lot of Chinese students have been singled out because of language issues even if they passed the CMTO exams. I have been approach by numerous Chinese students who have been having issues with the fact that the CMTO is not being fair.

When I studied to become a RMT many years ago there were lot of Russian students whose English was Terrible.

Guess what not one of those Russian students was singled out for language issues.

I have seen so many RMTs with terrible English though the CMTO lets them slide as long as they are white.

While I agree that RMTs should know how to provide service and communicate in English while in Canada, I dont agree with the double standards the CMTO has based on skin colour.

I have dealt with Chinese RMTs and Russian RMTs and guess what. Some of them knew how to speak English well and some of them did not.

I have dealt with Chinese Massage Therapy Students and Russian Massage Therapy students. Again some of them knew how to speak english well and some of them did not.

One thing was for sure it had nothing to do whether they had white skin or not.

Sexist Hiring Policy in the Profession and the CMTO

Unlike other professions where women might be discriminated against, in Massage Therapy Males get Screwed over.

Guess what no matter how good of a Massage Therapist you are lot of  people will not hire you if you are a male.

This discrimination is done openly.

Male Massage Therapist are treated like crap. No one says anything. Men are being screwed over and no one is saying anything. How come.

People openly say they dont hire male massage therapist.

You know something else. Men on average are stronger than women.

All other things being equal the stronger massage therapist will be the better massage therapist.

The CMTO doesnt care or do anything. The CMTO is only worried about making money. They want to make sure the insurance companies are happy. Since if the insurance companies stop covering massage therapy under their plans no one will register with the CMTO.

The CMTO does not really provide much value for its members.

They dont give a crap about sexist policies in the profession.

Average Professional Life of a Massage Therapist

5 Years. Yes 5 years is the average professional of a Massage Therapist.

Within 5 years most Massage Therapist Move on to another profession since they cant make enough money in massage or their hands wear out or they decide to study some more.

Massage Therapy is not a very long career. The money is bad, the work is hard and most people look down upon it.

It will wear out your hands very quickly. Most Registered Massage Therapist Retire within 10 years because their hands cant last any longer.

Average Salary of Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario, Canada

The average salary of a Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario is about $36,000 per year.

Men usually make less than women and don't remain as long in the profession as women.

College of Massage Therapists of Ontario is an unethical organization

The CMTO or the College of Massage Therapists is one of the most unethical organizations in Ontario. They are money minded and corrupt and have been misleading the public and their own members.

The CMTO claims to be fair and transparent. They are anything but fair and transparent. There are numerous Registered Massage Therapists who can tell you that the CMTO only cares about making money and doesnt care about protecting the public or helping the profession progress.

The CMTO will lie, hide the truth and cheat.

CMTO real mission should be to make as much money possible and to make sure their partners the insurance companies are happy.