Tuesday 8 October 2013

CMTO is hiking up MCQ Exam Fees

For those who did not know CMTO will be hiking up the exam fee for the MCQ exam from 225 to 500 dollars.

This is as usual CMTO's way of exploiting poor massage therapist students and registered massage therapists to be.

CMTO is a bully and will pick on people weaker than itself.

CMTO is one of the most unethical and mismanaged organizations. All they care about is making money and keeping the insurance companies happy. They do not care about the public or massage therapist.

Now the CMTO's excuse for hiking the price was costs.

The problem is that the CMTO is run by morons who do not know anything about running a organization well. ***see previous blog post about CMTO moron

The CMTO are not able to manage costs well and for their screw up- RMTs or rather in this case RMTs to be-have to pay.

Why do others have to pay for CMTO's incompetence. If they are not able to manage costs they need to stop hiring morons and hire someone decent.

CMTO is the College of Massage Therapist of Ontario and is one of the most unethical and mismanaged organizations.